I am so happy that I stumbled upon Pinterest and teacher blogs this last year. Both have proven to be great sources for ideas in the classroom. Most of my ideas for our Valentine/Friendship Theme came from the web.
This year we made Valentines for our parents using this adorable idea I found via Pinterest.
Here's my simplified, preschool friendly version (please forgive the smudgy pics - there was a fingerprint on my lens!):
I printed pics of the kiddos and the words "I mustache you a question..." and "Will you be my Valentine?" and cut them out.
I found some mustache clip art that I was able to shrink to the right size on our photo copier and cut out.
I also gave the kids foam stickers to add for decoration.
My kiddos loved the idea - especially the 4's who are very into word play. They kept repeating the "mustache" you a question line and giggling about it. They had a great time gluing on all the pieces, writing their names, and decorating with the stickers.
We had lots of smiling parents too : )
To collect our class Valentines, I was inspired by this folder
(via Pinterest)
Our school has a ton of used manila file folders that we were able to "up-cycle". (they were very sturdy and able to hold Valentines from about 20 friends).
Because the folder were previously used, I had to get a little crafty to get hide the writing on them. I trimmed the top tabs off of them, but still ended up with some writing that needed to be covered.
I decided to use our animal print duct tape (left over from our carpet squares, see post here) to cover the top of the folder. The tape added a little funky flavor and extra support to our holders.
After I taped the top edge, I closed the folder and stapled up the sides then wrote each student's name on the folder.
The kiddos glued on hearts and their pictures.
I was going to try to hang them for Valentine delivery but couldn't figure out a good place in our classroom, so we put them in file crates instead to sort their goodies into the appropriate place.
Now, I "mustache" you a question...
What were your fun ideas for Valentines & Valentine holders this year?
Miss Eileen